NEW 2021 PRS Tremonti standard
Go To Post NEW 2021 PRS Tremonti standard
promo Rp7.4jt ( Rp9.5jt normal price-end very soon)
Ready to Rock
“I’m excited to re-introduce my signature SE Standard model, giving players all the features I demand with the most affordable guitar yet.” - Mark Tremonti
The PRS Mark Tremonti Standard has a powerful voice that is well suited to heavy rock rhythm playing and melodic, soaring leads. The Tremonti “S” pickups and dual volume and tone controls allow players to dial in a wide variety of tones, never losing this model’s signature articulate aggression.
Additional appointments include an all-mahogany body, rosewood fretboard with PRS bird inlays, as well as a Wide Thin maple neck and trem-up route, making the SE Mark Tremonti Standard fast, fun, and hard to put down.
“With so many aspiring players struggling to stick with guitar past the first year, we knew we wanted to deliver an a affordable, quality guitar that players didn’t have to fight. We want the guitar to inspire you to play; it can’t be something you have to worry about staying in tune or simply working right. So while the [SE] Standards are our most affordable guitars to date, that doesn’t mean we compromised on tone, versatility, playability, or reliability,” said Jack Higginbotham, COO, PRS Guitars. “We’re proud to offer these guitars to the world.”
Body Wood Mahogany
Number of Frets 22
Scale Length 25"
Neck Wood Maple
Neck Shape Wide Thin
Fretboard Wood Rosewood
Fretboard Inlay Birds
Bridge PRS Patented Tremolo, Molded with Trem-Up Route
Tuners PRS Designed Tuners
Hardware Type Nickel
Treble PickupTremonti "S"
Bass PickupTremonti "S"
ControlsVolume and Tone Control for Each Pickup and 3-Way Toggle Pickup Selector
Gigbag included
#prsguitars #prsse #paulreedsmith #hiendguitar #wemakeprs #prsforeveryone

promo Rp7.4jt ( Rp9.5jt normal price-end very soon)
Ready to Rock
“I’m excited to re-introduce my signature SE Standard model, giving players all the features I demand with the most affordable guitar yet.” - Mark Tremonti
The PRS Mark Tremonti Standard has a powerful voice that is well suited to heavy rock rhythm playing and melodic, soaring leads. The Tremonti “S” pickups and dual volume and tone controls allow players to dial in a wide variety of tones, never losing this model’s signature articulate aggression.
Additional appointments include an all-mahogany body, rosewood fretboard with PRS bird inlays, as well as a Wide Thin maple neck and trem-up route, making the SE Mark Tremonti Standard fast, fun, and hard to put down.
“With so many aspiring players struggling to stick with guitar past the first year, we knew we wanted to deliver an a affordable, quality guitar that players didn’t have to fight. We want the guitar to inspire you to play; it can’t be something you have to worry about staying in tune or simply working right. So while the [SE] Standards are our most affordable guitars to date, that doesn’t mean we compromised on tone, versatility, playability, or reliability,” said Jack Higginbotham, COO, PRS Guitars. “We’re proud to offer these guitars to the world.”
Body Wood Mahogany
Number of Frets 22
Scale Length 25"
Neck Wood Maple
Neck Shape Wide Thin
Fretboard Wood Rosewood
Fretboard Inlay Birds
Bridge PRS Patented Tremolo, Molded with Trem-Up Route
Tuners PRS Designed Tuners
Hardware Type Nickel
Treble PickupTremonti "S"
Bass PickupTremonti "S"
ControlsVolume and Tone Control for Each Pickup and 3-Way Toggle Pickup Selector
Gigbag included
#prsguitars #prsse #paulreedsmith #hiendguitar #wemakeprs #prsforeveryone

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